
The last days of the third age companions
The last days of the third age companions

the last days of the third age companions

  • Tolkien explains that the text of The Lord of the Rings descends from a copy of the Red Book made in Gondor that bore the note "Findegil, King’s Writer, finished this work in IV 172." The accompanying text notes the equivalent year S.R.
  • The exceptions are both from the Note on the Shire Records and are as follows: For example, Legolas and Gimli's departure from Middle-earth is given as S.R. There are few dates given in the legendarium that require the reader to account for this difference, because most dates of the Fourth Age are already explicitly expressed in terms of the Shire Reckoning.

    the last days of the third age companions

    The Shire Calendar and the New Reckoning begin their years on different days: 2 Yule for the Shire and 25 March for the rest of the Reunited Kingdom. 1, some 9 months earlier than the new year in the Shire. However, in Gondor and the rest of the Reunited Kingdom outside the Shire, the New Reckoning calendar entered use starting in T.A. 1 as far as dates in the Red Book are concerned. 1422, and "in so far as the Hobbits took any account of the change of Age, they maintained that it began with 2 Yule 1422." This means that S.R. Years in Shire-reckoning did not restart at the end of the Third Age, rather it continued uninterrupted from S.R. The Shire-reckoning is the calendar system used for all dates in the Red Book, with S.R. As such, years given for certain events in the Fourth Age differ according to the calendar used. 1 in the same year, on the same date, or indeed at all. Not all calendars in use in Middle-earth at that time reset their count of years to Fo.A. He said, however, in a letter written in 1958 that he believed the Ages had quickened and that it was about the end of the Sixth Age/beginning of the Seventh. was about 6,000 years, and that in 1958 it should have been around the end of the Fifth Age if the Fourth and Fifth Ages were about the same length as the Second and Third Ages. Tolkien said that he thought the distance between the end of the Third Age and the 20th century A.D. In a 1972 letter concerning The New Shadow, Tolkien mentioned that Eldarion's reign would have lasted for about 100 years after the death of Aragorn. Eventually that would lead to the final Dominion of Men over Arda, coming together with the total waning of the Elves and other dwindling races, such as the Ents and probably the Dwarves.

    the last days of the third age companions

    The Last Ship of the Elves, carrying Círdan, Celeborn, and all remaining Elves of the First Age left Middle-earth some time after Fo.A. This age was marked by the recovery of the Númenorean kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor, while the House of Durin retook Moria until the race of Dwarves failed. There is no information on more than the first few centuries of this age, so it is not known when it ended, if it ever did, although it was probably shorter than 3 millennia. The Third Age was held to have ended when Elrond left Middle-earth on 29 September of T.A.

    The last days of the third age companions