If G2 is owned by Steam like Valve Index is then #56 WMR HP Reverb G2 Controller Object Required Milestone: 1. I can't find the round menu where we picked guns we like for the game, armour and gun Multiple controller bindings can be specified per action to better support different devices. While using the Mixed Reality Portal app for mixed reality, press the Windows button on your motion controller to open the Start menu. In the mean time I got old WMR controller from Samsung Odyssey+ to work with G2 HMD.

The thumbstick is basically useless with the default controller mapping, does anyone know how to map it to the mousewheel (up/down) and rotate camera (left/right)? I have been able to test the upcoming version and from a clean install and it has working controllers with no intervention on my part as soon as I went into VR.

The standard ones with a touchpad and a joystick on each hand, and the new HP Reverb G2 ones that match the Touch controllers.

It'll frequently lose a controller, and think that my hand HP Reverb G2 + Oculus Quest 2 CH Eclipse Yoke Corsair K60 Keyboard Cherry Mouse.